Aura: User ProfileUser profile for the Aura platform.Aura was a side-project that never shipped.
Aura: Beacon ProfileBeacon profile for the Aura platform.Aura was a side-project that never shipped.
Aura: Update AuraAura update view for the Aura platform.Aura was a side-project that never shipped.
Aura: Take a PhotoCamera view for the Aura platform.Aura was a side-project that never shipped.
Aura: Share PhotoShare photo view for the Aura platform.Aura was a side-project that never shipped.
Walkie-Talkie 3000Walkie-Talkie 3000 was an early iPhone app from 2010 that created a voice-connection over Bluetooth for local fun audio chats. It featured themes to create interesting visual options.Walkie-Talkie 3000 is available on iOS.